Monday, December 27, 2010
Laffer Curve is Dead

Saturday, December 25, 2010
Economics and Jesus
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Why the last post matters
Tax Cuts
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Census Shows People Respond to Incentives
Rothbardian Anarchism vs. Friedman Minarchism
Murray N. Rothbard is probably the most famous modern anarchist of the Austrian school of thought. Rothbard became an anarchist from a minarchist because he believed that the free market would be more efficient in all aspects, including militarily. If the free market is truly superior, why would this cease to be the case when it comes to personal security, and collectively, national security. National security has always been the achilies heel of anarchy. If the anarchist country is attached, how do we, as a nation respond without a central government.
Milton Friedman came up with a semi-solution of this by ceding national security to the government. He said there were two types of goods and services: divisible and indivisible. Divisible goods could be easily separated by individual. I can decide which type of tie I prefer and purchase accordingly. If you have a different preference, you can purchase differently. That is a divisible good. National security is an indivisible good. I cannot purchase one level of national security, while you purchase another. We must purchase equal amounts, even if this does create the free rider problem.
Why is this important today? The TSA has recently been accused of unnecessary procedures to keep us safe. The TSA has claimed that this is necessary, in part because it is an indivisible good (without using that language). The problem is that this is inaccurate. Security could be, and in my opinion, should be provided by the individual airline companies. These different airlines could then provide varying levels of security, if they chose. The “traveling public,” as the TSA calls us, would then get to choose whichever level of security we are comfortable with.
Note that the real financial losers here are also the “traveling public.” Not only do they have to go through time consuming and humiliating procedures, but they are forced to pay for it… literally. The taxpayers fund the TSA who then executes the safety procedures. They also provide partial immunity to the airline industry, meaning that if another disaster occurred the government would be forced to bail out the airline industry again. The airlines get what they want: less liability. The government gets what it wants: more control. The people get to pay for it all.
New Years Resolution
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Happy Meals Banned in San Francisco
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Government pushes low fat cheesy diets...
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Good intentions causing more poverty

Close to 70% of students with a 4-year degree have student debt. The average student of a 4-year degree is 25,000 dollars. Imagine on top of that going to a graduate or professional degree which a record number of people are doing. Personally, I will have well into six-figures of debt by the time I graduate. Thank God the government is there to support us with access to cheap cash. They really make college affordable for the middle and lower class people.
More Election Thoughts
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Feingold misses the point.
Feingold, at every stop, quotes Johnson’s having called health care reform “the greatest affront to personal freedom in my lifetime.”
“He must have led a charmed life,” Feingold jokes. “How does it hurt him that our youngsters can stay on their parents' insurance? And how does it hurt him that our seniors are finally going to get some help on that doughnut hole.”
Saturday, October 30, 2010
How is your wife?
Hayek Inspiration: Retake
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Road to Serfdom: A slight history lesson
Monday, October 18, 2010
Obamacare strikes again
During my break I read this article. Boeing states that they will have to charge their employees more just to meet the requirements in the new health care law. This is what drives me up a wall. Washington acts as if they are trying to help the poor, when they are the exact class that is being punished with these foolish laws passed by a congress too incompetent to know what is doing and signed by a President who has lost touch with reality. Boeing had to cut the health care because it would be subject to the "cadillac tax" provision in Obamacare. Basically, this means that Boeing's health insurance was too good so it would be taxes at a higher rate. Think about this. Obamacare was passed as trying to give more people access to better health care but it is having an opposite effect.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Here we go again...
Monday, September 27, 2010
The rich want to pay more in taxes: Let them but don't force me.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Shocking: While told to eat healthy, American's continue to eat foods they like
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Raising Taxes doesn't raise tax revenues
CNN is shocked by Harvard. I am shocked by them.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Shocking: Incentives matter even in health insurance
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
What would we do to fix the economy?
Yesterday and today President Obama challenged the Tea Party to write what would we do about the economy. It is important to note that this is only a small fraction of what needs to be done, but it is only a start. Here is my letter:
President Obama,
Today you challenged the Tea Party to answer what specifically we would do to fix the economy. While I would never speak on behalf of the tea party, I can write what I believe could have done to solve this crisis, then and now. I will answer this question in two parts. The first will discuss what we should have done as the economy collapsed. The second is what can be done now, after trillions spent on bailouts and stimulus packages.
As the economy collapsed President Bush left everything he ran on. He ran on promoting free markets both here and abroad. President Bush, like President Clinton before him, understood that free markets not only lead to increased efficiency (especially for the poorest amongst us) but also leads to a free people. The greatest economists to ever live have been nearly universal on this point, that free markets are a necessary but not sufficient clause for having a free people. When the markets started to sour, President Bush left all of that economic understanding behind and quickly scrambled to approve a bailout of banks and other large financial institutions. This action, along with the unnecessarily dramatic rhetoric from his administration caused nothing short of a panic. When you tell the market everything is going to be terrible for the next few months/years, they will listen.
We should have handled the entire situation differently. The major problem was not the collapsing housing market; rather it was the contagion effect that that had on the rest of the financial structure. We should have immediately tried to remove all government interference from the housing and banking structure. Unlike some of my more radical economists, I would disagree with ending the fed. We should have immediately moved to wind down Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and end the Community Reinvestment Act. This would have hurt the housing market, to be sure, but also would have instilled confidence in the rest of the markets that they would not be nearly as effected because of the seemingly random actions of the government.
The next step should have been to tread more cautiously with the so-called stress-tests. When the government first announced they were conducting stress tests on individual banks, the market did not take it seriously. It was only after the government refused to release the results of these stress-tests that people began to panic. First, the government likely should not have done theses tests. There is already a stress test for the banks, everyday, and it is called the market. If the market does not believe any bank will not survive the downturn, they will soon be out of business as their stock plummets. Using taxpayer dollars for a stress test was unnecessary at best, but was likely far worse creating a wave of panic in the industry, further spreading the contagion.
Both President Bush and yourself also should not have passed any stimulus package. The stimulus packages served to cause further panic (contagion) and confused the signals of the market. Companies should succeed by successfully serving their customers or creating a good that people want to purchase. When the government interferes and states that no matter how inferior the product is, the government will esnsure the corporation not only stay in business, but even turn a profit, it disincentivizes corporations from creating profitable goods or completing profitable services.
In short, President Obama, the government should have responded with a calm rationality and removed the causes of the economic collapse, mainly government intervention in allowing people who are unable to own a home to get a loan everyone knew they could not afford while guaranteeing banks would not lose in the process. Conversely, the government further incentivized bad lending by giving the banks taxpayer money, and even worse, created widespread panic, by doing the equivalent of shouting fire in the crowded room.
What we should do now:
We need to take a few immediate actions to improve the economy, and this country as a whole. The first is to put aside all of the uncertainty that comes from the government selecting winners in the market. This can be accomplished through putting a hold on all undelivered stimulus and bailout money. This money should not be granted and should just be used to pay down America’s sizeable debt.
The next step is to restore the culture of work. We need to take the tough step of limiting the number of weeks someone is on unemployment. Before I go any further, let me first state that my mother, father step mother, aunt, uncle, and two cousins have all been unemployed during this recession or currently are, partly as a result of this recession. I do not say that we need to limit the weeks of unemployment lightly or without understanding the impact of that statement. Studies have now shown, however, that a great deal of people find jobs the week after their unemployment runs out. This would only shock some inside the beltway. Economists understand that unemployment disincentivizes work because they are essentially getting paid to not work. If we force people back to work by either increasing their incentive to work, through tax cuts or disincentivizing not working, by limiting unemployment, or both.
We should also pass real financial reform. The reform bill congress passed and you, unfortunately, signed into law is nothing short of just punishing the successful because they are successful. I, frankly, demand more from my government than pitting us against one another. I demanded more from President Bush and I demand more from you. The following are likely major causes of the financial collapse: Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, CRA, loose monetary policies and the government propping up banks and encouraging them to make risky bets by, basically insuring against losses with taxpayer dollars. The financial reform bill does not alleviate any of those problems, with the possible exception of the last. The government needs to understand that printing money will not solve any recession, but just postpone it. If the government had passed meaningful reform, it would include changes to the entire list of causes above.
Lastly, and I know this one is going to hurt, we have to stop the government from picking winners in given markets. This is a comprehensive problem and I am sorry is must start on your watch. We need to stop the government from paying subsidizing corn, because it artificially deflates ethanol prices, which leads to American car companies creating “flex fuel” cars that no one wants, and are unrealistic. We need to get the government out of the health care business, not because I hate people without health insurance, but because I want them to have numerous choices in which company can best serve them. The health care bill you signed into law continues the process of both parties to artificially restrict competition in this profitable sector of the economy. Insurance companies are not allowed to compete against state lines so the companies are charging rates above what they should. Instead of forcing people to buy any single insurance company’s plan, let the company’s compete and let the people choose which plans best suits them.
It is also time to let the market decide which new inventions deserve our money and which ones do not. The more the government invests in businesses the market does not believe have a chance of turning a profit, the greater the likelihood the government will interfere with proper market signals and we will end up with greater wastes of resources, like the cars and trucks powered by ethanol. America will eventually become more “green.” This will occur not because of any action of the government, in fact, it will happen in spite of the government. The nation can only become green when the average citizen thinks he can benefit from the new electric car, or solar panels, or inventions we have not even yet dreamed of. If we let the market work, investments will be directed towards areas where there is the greatest chance of success in market infiltration.
President Obama, I hope you understand that I write this letter not out of disrespect but because I have so much hope for this country and our economy. The economy is best served by letting people act in their own best interest, which was the whole point of Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations.
I pray that this letter finds you well,
George J. Wendt
Masters in Management Candidate Harvard University
Masters in Dispute Resolution Candidate Pepperdine University School of Law
J.D. Tulane University School of Law.