Friday, May 21, 2010


This will be my personal blog where I will discuss economics, policy and the relation between the two. I am an economist who loves to study government so the fit is a natural one. I will discuss issues mainly from a pro free-trade and more importantly, pro-freedom, stance.

I am mostly libertarian with some conservatism mixes in when I feel the libertarians get a little too out there (like Gold Standard, and Anarchy). I believe that we were all created free and were meant to remain free. We are not meant to be coerced by others. We are not meant to have our actions dictated just because we elected someone.

I will call out both parties on this as I believe both parties have started to say farewell to freedom and have become more interested in standing up for their own beliefs while oppressing those who disagree with them. This will all be discussed in greater detail throughout the posts obviously. Anyway, I hope if anyone chooses to follow this, they enjoy it.

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