Monday, September 27, 2010

The rich want to pay more in taxes: Let them but don't force me.

In this video Ms. McGibney, a television producer, responds to Ben Stein's comments over the weekend that forcing him to pay higher taxes is a form of punishment for reasons he does not understand.

Ms. McGibney says that paying higher taxes is "patriotic" and the right thing to do. Nothing could be further from the truth. First, this country was founded, in some part, over a tax rebellion. We were fed up with paying high taxes. To argue that it is patriotic is rather silly. Even if we were to agree that paying higher taxes was "patriotic" or somehow morally superior, we must then take the inexplicable leap to saying that forcing (by threat), someone else to pay higher taxes is also patriotic or moral. This is what the wealthy left fail to understand.

If people like Ms. McGibney, Bill Gates or Warren Buffett want to pay higher taxes, let them. If they think the government can use their money better than they can, or a charity they would give money to can, give them that option. What we should not do, is let the few wealthy liberals dictate that we all have to pay higher taxes.

The practical reality is that these people don't really believe that paying taxes is patriotic or even better than donating. If they did, they would give more to taxes and keep less. They want to pay the least amount of taxes as possible, just like the rest of us but feel the need to morally condemn us. It is not about what is best for the country, but what is best for their egos.

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